2018 Abruzzo
The weather was quite normal this season. Winter rain and snow replenished water reserves. Budburst was normal and all the gems opened, something that hasn’t happened in years. There was ample rain from May until early July, almost weekly, but temperatures remained within the average for the last few years. Because of the heavy rainfall, winemakers had to work hard to prevent disease, but those who were able to stop them in their tracks were left with plump, balanced grapes. Acidity and pH will be normal, and the prospects are good for most grapes. About 3.1 million hectoliters will be made.
The 2018 season was very rainy in May and June with temperatures much lower than average. The average temperatures in July were not excessive and nights were cool. There were many storms in early August followed by a dry period that extended through harvest. Thanks to day/night temperature swings, our whites will be fresh, though not aggressively fresh, with balanced alcohol. Our red varieties benefited from the dry period during the last phase of maturation and have good phenolic properties, balanced acidity, thanks to the low malic acid levels, and average sugar levels, which will lead to balanced alcohol levels. The wines will be particularly rich in anthocyanins as well as tannins, but not aggressive ones. We expect perfumed, round wines with medium-high to high extract.