Vintage Reports

A quick guide to the latest vintages.




2021 Lombardy

Nicole Vezzola of COSTARIPA

The growth cycle was about ten days late with respect to the norms of the last ten years.

In spite of frost in spring, which affected areas with southwestern exposure, lowering production of Chardonnay and Pinot Nero for Mattia Vezzola Metodo Classico, the grapes reached perfect maturation, giving us extraordinarily straightforward, elegant, complex and refined wines.

In short, small quantities, extreme quality.

Laura Gatti of FERGHETTINA

In a nutshell, 2021 brought us great satisfaction in terms of quality.

The base wines for Franciacorta are all very elegant, with marvelous freshness and perfect balance. We are expecting an excellent vintage. Unfortunately, because of the spring frost and some hailstorms in July, we expect about 50% less production with respect to our potential.

What can I say, not much in quantity, but excellent all the same.




2021 Veneto

Luca Speri of SPERI

An excellent vintage thanks to an extraordinary weather cycle. Summer was hot and dry and the optimal day/night temperature swings in August and September allowed the grapes to recuperate late phonological development due to a cool and rainy May. Sunny, cool days throughout September and much of October helped perfectly complete ripening and allowed us to harvest without interruption. Once again, hillside vineyards greatly benefitted from all this, and the Sant’Urbano cru, at 280-350 meters above sea level, will see high quality.

We expect very fruity wines, with higher extract than previous years but an elegant profile, balanced acidity, with good levels of malic and tartaric acid.

Without a doubt, 2021 will be memorable.


Friuli-Venezia Giulia


2021 Friuli Venezia-Giulia

Angela Bortoluzzi of BORTOLUZZI

In Friuli Venezia Giulia, fall was dry and winter rainy, with some snow in the mountains. This led to the growth cycle beginning late. In May, we had to be careful to avoid Peronospora due to rains. But thanks to early intervention, we were able to maintain the excellent health of the grapes.

June saw nice weather, and the conditions were perfect for the flowering of Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay and Sauvignon. Ripening (10 days later than last year)  began in late July, a fortunate month in terms of the weather. August saw extreme heat, which required us to irrigate the vineyards. Near the end of the month, the wind, heat and overnight temperature swings favored excellent aromatic complexity in the white grapes. Analysis shows the same sugar levels as last year, but with more acidity, essential to the aromatic balance of the future wine. We picked the white grapes in early September and the red grapes in late September/early October.

The 2021 vintage wines will truly be memorable and suitable to aging.

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