Vintage Reports

A quick guide to the latest vintages.


2023 Lombardy

Laura Gatti of FERGHETTINA

2023 saw a lot of rain in May and June. This helped with any threat of drought, but complicated our work in the vineyard. Fortunately, July and early August were perfect and we reached harvest with extremely healthy grapes.

The numbers are good in terms of production and the wines are quite elegant and fine.


2022 Sardinia

Renato Spanu of JANKARA

2022 was a warm and dry vintage that matured early but was great quality! Zero sickness or problems in the vineyard, just much lower yields, which obviously lead to great quality!


2022 Friuli Venezia Giulia

Angela Bortoluzzi of Bortoluzzi

Contrary to predictions made in August, the 2022 harvest turned out to be better than expected and considerably in line with last year’s quantities.

The growth cycle saw record drought conditions and temperatures that began in early spring. The lack of water was undoubtedly our biggest challenge. Those of us who are allowed to irrigate, were able to take advantage of the weather, and ended up with higher numbers than 2021 and excellent healthy grapes.

Budbreak did start late for us, but gradually recovered in terms of time and harvested ending up coming early – in late August for Sauvignon, followed by Pinot Grigio and eventually the other wines whites.

The other “challenge” this vintage was finding the right time to harvest the grapes to have the perfect balance between sugar and acidity, especially for the whites. In fact, when temperatures exceed 28 °C (82.4 °F) photosynthetic efficiency is lower and consequently, the accumulation of sugars also slows down and acidity decreases rapidly. However, grapevines are always very generous, often giving providing us with great satisfaction – precisely in the seasons that seem more difficult.

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